De kasteeltekeningen van Roelant Roghman

Author: Wyck, Jhr. Dr. H.W.M. van der
Year: 1989
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Alphen a/d Rijn, Canaletto
Category: Utrechtse Heuvelrug
Subcategory: Utrechtse Heuvelrug

In 2 volumes, red cloth with titles in gilt on frontboard and spine, dust jackets.
Volume I published in 1989, Volume II published in 1990.
Volume I contains 222 numbered drawings, of which 2 doubles plus 4 unnumbered drawings. Volume II contains a biography of Roghman, a limited list of paintings by him, a summary of signatures, kinds of paper being used, watermarks and a bibliography plus index.
Volume I contains the famous plates of castles as drawn by Roghman, while volume II is illustrated throughout with almost 200 plates.
This work is of eminent importance to get a clear view about the architectural history of the castles of the provinces of Holland, Utrecht and Gelderland.

Roghman was born around 1620 in Amsterdam and died there in or after 1686. During the years 1646/1647 he drew this series of precise and accurate topographical drawings of the castles and country mansions and is the main source for knowledge about 17th century Dutch castles in the provinces mentioned.

Jhr. Dr. van der Wyck, the initiator of this work, already around 1960 started working on the project that resulted in this book. First to no avail, but in 1980 he got the support of a number of people, equally enthusiastic, and in 1989 the main body of this work finally was published.

A beautiful and important reference work.

Added is a lithograph of Moersbergen coloured by hand, plate size 343 x 482 mm, apparently from a series of similar views. We have no idea from where it originates. If you have any information on this print, we would highly appreciate it if you would share your knowledge with us.

Info on pictures listed below (listed as per the map used by Roghman):

1) Beverweerd
2) Beverweerd
3) Rijsenburg
4) Sterkenburg
5) Sterkenburg
6) Hardenbroek
7) Hardenbroek
8) Moersbergen
8a) Moersbergen
9) Doorn
10) Broekhuizen
11) Broekhuizen
12) Zuylenburg
13) Zuylestein
14) Amerongen
15) Amerongen

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