Monuments Grecs publiés par l'Association pour l'Encouragement des Études Grecques en France

Author: various
Year: 1872-1897
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Paris; A. Durand et Pedone Lauriel, libraires-editeurs
Category: Arts &tc.

Two volumes in parts and in the original wrappers, partly unopened.

Collation as follows:
Part 1      : 1872, Les exploits de Thésée; pp. 15, (1), pl. 2
Part 2      : 1873, Recherches sur les figures de femmes voilées; pp. 50, pl. 3
Part 3      : 1874, Recherches sur les figures de femmes voilées; pp. 53, (1),  pl. 2 + 1 text illustration
Part 4      : 1875, Notice sur une amphore peinte du Musée du Louvre; pp. 28, pl. 2 (both double page) + 3 text illustrations
Part 5      : 1876, Nouvelles recherches  sur les terres cuites Grecques; pp. 51, (1), pl. 3 + 3 text illustrations
Part 6      : 1877,Tête archaïque en marbre; pp. 42, 1 [erratum], (1), pl. 4 + text illustrations
Part 7      : 1878, Notice sur une tête  de statue en marbre; pp. 61, (1), pl. 2
Part 8      : 1879, Un papyrus inédit; pp. 58, 1, (1), pl. 3 (of which one double page)
Part 9      : 1881, Hèraclès au repos; pp. 19, (1), pl. 1 + 1 text illustration
Part 10     : 1882, Bas-Reliefs  Grecs votifs; pp. 18, pl. 2 (Loosely inserted the wrappers for the Premier Volume 1872 - 1881)
Part 11-13: 1886, Tête du Parthénon; pp. 58, pl.4 (of which one in colour) + 14 text illustrations
Part 14-16: 1889, Cavalier Athénien et scènes de la vie guerrière; pp. 59, pl. 4 + 5 text illustrations
Part 17, 18: 1891, Les représentations allégoriques; pp. 42, pl. 1 (double page) + 1 text illustration
Part 19, 20: 1893, Miroirs Grecs à pied; pp. 47, (1), pl. 2 + 2 text illustrations
Part 21, 22: 1895, Un lécythe en forme de gland, pp. 48, pl. 2 + 2 text illustrations
Part 23-25: 1897, Un bronze Grec du British Museum, pp. 78, pl. 3 + 15 text illustrations. (Loosely inserted the wrappers for the Deuxieme Volume 1882 - 1897)

This last part also contains the indexes and the list of plates for both volumes. All parts concern various subjects, but only the first chapter in each part is mentioned here above.

A few of the wrappers chipped, mainly at the corners, but the majority in a good condition. Occasionnally some light foxing but overall a clean good set.

The plates, all printed on heavy paper, include litho's, etchings and photogravures.

Loosely inserted is a postal card from the "Librairie Orientale & Américaine" at the Rue de Mézières, Paris, dated 23 July 1903 addressed to a bookdealer in Brussels, confirming partial availability and offering the parts 2-8 at ffr. 5.- per piece and nr. 14-16 at a price of ffr. 10.- with a 10% trade discount.

No auction records either in ABPC or in RBH. An extremely rare, complete set.

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