Le Bréviaire de Philippe le Bon

Author: Anonymous
Year: 1929
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Paris; Rousseau a.o.
Category: Arts &tc.

Two volumes, folio. Both volumes in a portfolio in a good condition, the portfolios again in carton cases quite worn at the edges. One b/w plate with a smal marginal tear, the rest of the contents in a fine condition.

Collation of volume I, the text volume:

     1 folio sheet, 4 pages, all blank
     1 folio sheet, 4 pages divided in Half title, blank, Title page, blank
     31 plano sheets, 8 pages per sheet, pages numbered 9 - 256
     1 folio sheet, 4 pages, numbered 257, 258 plus 2 blanks

     The size of the folio sheets is 382 x 560 mm.
     The size of the plano sheets is 764 x 560 mm.
     The page size is 382 x 280 mm.

Collation of volume II, the plate volume:

     1 portfolio, containing 20 coloured plates
     1 portfolio containing 1 coloured plate and 106 b/w plates

     The coloured plate in the b/w portfolio is plate number 2 (picture # 13 here below).

     The plates in the b/w portfolio are numbered 1 - 102, however, there are 5 bis numbers, resulting in a total of 107 plates.

This beautiful book was jointly published by Maurice Rousseau in Paris, Ch. Weckesser in Brussels and G.E. Stechert & Co. in New York. Printed in a numbered run of 900 copies of which the last 630 copies were printed on parchment paper (vélin fort). This is copy nr. 708.

The colofon reads:

     Achevé d'imprimer le 31 mai 1929,
     sur les presses de J.-E. Goossens, société anonyme,
     rue Haberman, 27, à Bruxelles,
     sous la direction de M. Henri Gregoir.

     Les clichés en quadrichromie et en noir
     ont été exécuté par les Établissements Jean Malvaux,
     société anonyme de photogravure.

A heavy set, weighing approx. 8 kg.

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