Chaumont. Croquis d'après nature. Dessins et lithographies de F. Landry.

Author: Landry, F.
Year: 1869
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Neuchâtel; Jules Sandoz
Category: Europe

Original clothbacked lithographed boards, oblong 4to. Album comprising 11 duotone lithographed plates plus a panorama, all finely coloured by hand. No date, but published in 1869.

In the "Feuille d'avis de Neuchâtel" of 24th July 1869 the publication of this book is announced as follows:
Vient de paraitre
à la
Librairy général de J. Sandoz
Croquis d'après nature. Dessins et lithogra-
phies de F. Landry. fr. 5.
Un charmant album oblong de 11 vues à
deux teintes, avec un panorama des Alpes.
It is a charming album indeed. Although the advertisement mentions duotone lithographs, they heve been exquisitely coloured by hand in our copy. All signed on the stone "F. Landry".

Apparently shortly after the 24th July the book became available, as in the issue of 4th August 1869 of the same newspaper, the Librairie A.G. Berthoud announces its availablility.

Extremely rare.

Only three copies in WorldCat, all in Switzerland.

Click on a picture to enlarge.