Glimpses into Chinese homes

Author: Yates, Elizabeth U.
Year: 1887
Edition: 2nd (stated)
Publisher: Boston: Joseph W. Hamilton
Category: Asia

Original publisher's pebble grain green cloth, early art nouveau binding stamped in gilt in black, with the spine lined and lettered in gilt, 8vo., (sized 195 x 125 mm), pp. 134, 2, 1 (ad).

Gift inscription in pencil on ffep and name, in pencil as well, on first blank. Paper evenly browned and extremities very slightly rubbed.

Elizabeth Upham Yates (1857, Bristol, Maine - 1942, Rhode Island) worked in China as a missionary from 1880 - 1885. In 1887 she published this book, mainly describing Chinese life in and around Bejing. After her return to the USA she became active in the suffrage movement.

Joseph W. Hamilton was a printer from Boston. Sometimes the name of the organisations for whom he printed their work is mentioned on the title page, in most cases, however, the name who wrote the pamphlet or who ordered to have it printed is mentioned on the title page, most likely resulting in a limited print run and apparently for personal distribution as is shown in the advertisement page for Clara Cushman's works.
This explains why this book, though (second edition) is mentioned on the title page, is so very rare. Of the first edition there is a copy in the Harvard University Library. Most university libraries worldwide only hold a digital copy of this book.

Rare in any adition.

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