Nouvelle Relation d'un Voyage fait aux Indes Orientales

Author: Mr. Dellon
Year: 1699
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Amsterdam; Paul Marret
Category: Asia

Handsome contemporary full calf binding, the spine richly gilt and divided in six compartments by five raised bands. Gilt title on a red morocco label in the second compartment, 12mo., 2 leaves, pp. (12), 1 ~ 319. Complete with the Traité des Maladies on pp. 281 ~ 319. Illustrated with a frontispiece, 2 full page plates, 2 folding plates and a folding map of the Cape Verde islands.

Occasionally some offsetting from textpages to adjacent textpages, not affecting the legibility. The plates, however, are very clean. Some very minor rubbing to extremities.

In 1668 Charles Dellon embarked at Port-Louis and successively visited the île de Bourbon, Madagascar, Surate and the coast of Malabar. He describes the fauna and flora, the habits and costumes of the people of India, the caste system there and their various religions.

In 1698 an English edition had been published, however, without any illustrations.

Chadenat 557.

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