Hedendaagsche Historie … merkelyk vermeerderd door M. van Goch, M. D. V. Deel. Behelzende de Tegenwoordige Staat van het Turksche Ryk in Asia en Afrika.

Author: Salmon, Thomas
Year: 1733
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Amsterdam, Isaak Tirion
Category: The Levant


Half leather, cardboard, 8vo, pp. 4, 622, 14. Based, for the most part, on Thomas Salmon’s Modern History, or the Present State of Nations. Translated into Dutch by M. van Goch. Illustrated with woodcut tailpieces and woodcut initials. Plates and maps in excellent condition:

Engraved frontispiece, 1 full page engraving, 3 maps and 9 folding plates. The maps are titled "Nieuwe kaart van het Turksche ryk", "Nieuwe kaart van Irak, Arabi, Kurdistan, Diarbek, Turkomannia, Syrie en het Heilige land" and "Nieuwe kaart van Asia". The last map is showing Arnhem Land in Northern Australia. The National Library of Australia has a coloured copy of the last map, dated 1744 and probably taken from the "Nieuwe en beknopte hand-atlas". It is slightly smaller than our copy which measures  278 x 350 mm.
These maps were made by Dutch cartographers and hence did not appear in the original English edition of Salmon´s work.


Library stamp on title page. The last text section (pp 607 – 621) slightly browned.

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