Het verheerlykt Nederland of Kabinet van Hedendaagsche Gezigten van Steden, Dorpen, Sloten, adelyke Huizen, Kerken, Torens, Poorten, en andere voorname Stad- en Land-Gebouwen, in en omtrent alle de byzondere Vereenigde Nederlandsche Provinciën.

Author: Anon
Year: 1745 - 1773
Edition: First edition
Publisher: Isaak Tirion
Category: Arts &tc.

Complete set of nine parts with 100 views each, bound in three volumes, published between 1745 and 1774.
Contemporary full calf, 8vo., the spines divided by five raised bands in six compartments with the titles on maroon and black labels respectively in the second and third compartment. The other compartments richly gilt. The first title page printed in red and black, the other eight title pages, one for each part, printed in black.

Overall in a good condition with an occasional short tear, never affecting the engravings. One double page engraving unfortunately with a small hole in the center.

Isaak Tirion published these 900 engravings as an addition to the the ones published already in his various volumes of Tegenwoordige Staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden.

In the list of views in each part it is mentioned where the churches, houses, villages, etc. depicted, are described or can be inserted.

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